an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

About Our Company

PT.Bangkit Dalam Kreasi is a service company that creates Boardo-Consulting as a division that specializes in providing a variety of customized services to facilitate the establishment and growth of businesses in Indonesia. With expertise in consulting and feasibility studies, we assist both domestic and foreign entities in starting new businesses or investing in Indonesia. Our comprehensive service package covers various aspects, including virtual assistant services, notary services, company management and administration, financial reporting, creative services, human resource development, managerial support, branding, import-export documentation, and marketing.


We help businesses grow with comprehensive consulting services.

pen near black lined paper and eyeglasses
pen near black lined paper and eyeglasses
Business Consulting

Services for starting and developing businesses in Indonesia.

people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers
people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers
Creative Services

Support branding and marketing for business success.

a glass chess board with black pieces on it
a glass chess board with black pieces on it
two person standing on gray tile paving
two person standing on gray tile paving
HR Management & Managerial Support

Human resource development for company growth.

Branding and Marketing

Provide strategic support for business operational efficiency.

Layanan untuk memulai dan mengembangkan usaha di Indonesia.

Pengembangan sumber daya manusia untuk pertumbuhan perusahaan.

Mendukung branding dan pemasaran untuk kesuksesan bisnis.

Memberikan dukungan strategis untuk efisiensi operasional bisnis.

Boardo serves as a strategic partner in branding and marketing

Boardo bertindak sebagai mitra strategis dalam branding dan pemasaran, menawarkan solusi komprehensif untuk meningkatkan visibilitas merek dan kehadiran pasar.

Layanan Boardo Consulting sangat membantu dalam memulai bisnis di Indonesia, profesional dan responsif.

Budi Santoso

group of people using laptop computer
group of people using laptop computer
person in black long sleeve shirt holding persons hand
person in black long sleeve shirt holding persons hand
